Inventis Bell Screening and Diagnostic Audiometer



Bell is a diagnostic audiometer, capable of performing fast and accurate air and bone threshold examinations. Simple operation, a user-friendly interface and easy portability make Bell the ideal instrument for private clinics, multi-specialist clinics and occupational medicine applications.

Available signals Stimulus: pure tone, warble tone
Masking: NBN, WN
Signal specification Attenuator step: 5 dB
Presentation: Continuous, Pulsed (0.5, 1 and 2 Hz)
Warble: 5 Hz sin wave modulating signal
Available outputs and transducers AC: TDH-39 / DD45 headphones, ER-3 / IP30 insert earphones
BC: B-71 bone vibrator
Insert masking earphone: IME-100
Available tests
  • Pure Tone audiometry
  • Auto threshold (modified Hughsone-Westlake)
Patient-operator communication Talk over: built-in or external (optional) microphone
Patient response trigger
Internal database Up to 100 patients both AC and BC thresholds
Calibration Validity: 12 months
All the parameters set through the device software
Computer interface Connection: USB (driverless)
Compatible software: Inventis Maestro
Hybrid technology Description: Bell can be controlled either as a stand-alone or as a PC-controlled audiometer
It requires Inventis Maestro software.
Display Shows the complete audiogram during the test
Type: Graphical colour TFT LCD
Size: diagonal 4.3”, 95 mm x 54 mm
Resolution: 480 x 272
Power supply Maximum consumption: 8 Watts
Power supply: 6V, 2A cont., through an external medical grade 100- 240 Vac 50/60 Hz power supply
Mechanics Size (WxDxH): 32 x 32 x 9 cm / 12.6 x 12.6 x 3.5 in Weight: 1.8 Kg / 4.0 lbs



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